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Showing posts with label Article. Show all posts

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

As known, everywhere we look some people smoke cigarrete. They claim smoke make feel pleasure, fresh, and so on. In addition, they feel something less if they not to smoke. Although smoking is unhealthy habit almost worldwide, they still believing that nothing bad inhaling smoke exactly contains carbondioxsida, nicotine, and tar. This substance is very dangerous for our body. In this article, I wanna give knowledge about this subtance.
First, carbondioxsida or famous with CO is a gas that has no smell. It’s produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon elements. According to numerous research stuidies, every cigarrete give 3 – 6 % of CO. Every people who smoke or near with smoker or people who are in a room with smoker can be sucked by CO. In fact, this substance can nervous, shaky hands, decreased for eat, and miscarriage abortion in pregnant women.
Second, nicotine is an opiate in cigarrete. Everey cigarrete contain more addictive substance – substance that cause addition – between 0.5 – 3 ng. All of that can be absorbed so that inside the blood or plasma between 40 – 50 ng/ml. Nicotine is not carcinogenic component. As well as heroin and cocaine, nicotine also has characteristics of addictive and psychoactive effects like feel pleasure, decrease anxiety, tolerance and physical attachment. That is why smoker can’t stop to smoke.
Third, tar produced in the combustion of tobacco – regular cigarrete – and other plant material – herbal cigarrete – when a person smokes. Tar is a kind of thick liquid dark brown or black which hydrocarbon substances that can stick to the lungs. A cigarrete has between 0.5 – 35 mg of tar. It can inflict cancer in the airway and lungs.

All these facts prove the statement that cigarrete is in facts more dangerous habit. It is really unhealth for our body. After know about it, are you sure not to stop your smoke ?  Think again.

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